Thursday, December 20, 2018

Journal revised #2 "Digital Child Abuse"

This TED Talk was presented by Sebastian Bortnik; he first starts this talk by showing a Facebook profile account from a girl name Nina Rodriguez. Nina was a 24-year-old man that had three different Facebook profiles with 890 kids between the ages of 8 and 13 years old. Another example is a 26-year-old Jonathan Luna that killed 12 years old Micaela Ortega because when they meet, she refuses to have sex with him. They met through Facebook, and Jonathan was under the profile name of Rochi de River a 12-year-old. 

Sebastian also gives an example of how an 11-year-old girl became a victim of grooming. A man manipulated the girl to masturbate herself in front of the webcam and recorder it. 

He talks about parents giving their kids total access to the Internet and their parents are not aware of the danger that their children might be in. He wants to make sure that we all are aware that our children can be at high risk of being abused by a pedophile while we are there and not paying attention to what our kids are doing. 

Sebastian did a survey in his country (Argentina) in 2016, and it shows that 15 percent of schools knew of cases of grooming in their school. Online safely needs to be a conversation topic in every house and every classroom in the country. 

Sebastian Bortnik backs up his evidence by using his own experiences, throughout his 
work. Sebastian Bornik is the president of Argentina cybersecurity. Over ten years ago he’s been 
investigating and educating about cyber in Argentina. Sebastian Bortnik encourages Parents 
and adults have a duty to teach, educate and protect children from this new technological world 
and predators that deceive children to rob them from their innocent and destroy them just for 
their sexual pleasure.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Journal #1 revised "Why abortion or why not"?

Why Abortion or why not? 

Abortions should be legal. The government and any other companies should not have a say on whether women should have or not an abortion. Abortion has nothing to do with religion, and especially with the government. Some women need an abortion for medical purposes, emotional or financial issues. There are occasions that a woman becomes pregnant by an assault, by accident or just because she is too naïve and doesn’t understand how a woman can get pregnant. Abortions are better than to bring a child to this world that is not wanted, the child might have a medical condition, might be, abandon in the streets right after birth, or worst yet, some women have killed their newborn child because they are not emotionally and financially capable of raising a child. Recently, we have heard of some cases that women kill their child and afterward, she gets charged for doing such a horrible crime. If these women would have the option of an abortion, it would save their life from being in jail for the rest of their life, and not cost the taxpayers more money to have them in prison for committing a crime that they felt they had no other option.

Abortion should be illegal. We have seen in the recent years that abortions clinics are closing in a lot of states. Abortion is not only illegal but also is inhuman to terminate a life. People have been arguing that there is nothing wrong having an abortion because the fetus does not have a heartbeat, but whatever the case is, is a baby, a life inside the woman. With all the information we see on tv, social media, radio, etc. Women now days have no excuse to get pregnant and say they didn’t know how to prevent a pregnancy. Yes, we see the cases of women being sexually assaulted and because of that tragedy, they get pregnant. Now we have a law called “Safe Haven” which this allows mothers to safely abandon their newborn in a safe location such as hospitals, churches, and fire departments without being charged with abandonment. Also, what are the chances that the woman might keep the child? After all is her child and the woman can grow to love the child through the months of pregnancy. No need to end a life, there are many options out there other than an abortion.

Journal #5

Asylum, caravan and Immigration issues in the United States

I will be writing about this topic because there is a lot of miss understanding about asylum and what the government can and can't do. These migrants spent around two months traveling from their home country to the border of Mexico and the United States. There were over 6,000 migrants that they found shelter at the Tijuana sports complex, but after several storms, the complex flooded and they all to be relocated.

Since this caravan began, around 2,010 had turn around and return to their home country due to that the United States has block them from seeking asylum. The good news for them was when former President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto, offered them a program called "You are at home", that will provide them with education and work permits, only around 600 took advantage of that offer.